Statistics Index

Winning Electorate Candidate Votes

Electorate Electorate Candidate Party Valid Votes Majority Percentage of Candidate Votes Cast On the Party List
Auckland Central SWARBRICK, Chlöe Charlotte Green Party 12,631 1,068 35.48% Yes
Banks Peninsula McLELLAN, Tracey Lee Labour Party 25,393 13,156 51.92% Yes
Bay of Plenty MULLER, Todd National Party 20,046 3,415 44.94% Yes
Botany LUXON, Christopher National Party 19,017 3,999 52.46% Yes
Christchurch Central WEBB, Duncan Alexander Labour Party 23,931 14,098 60.33% Yes
Christchurch East WILLIAMS, Munokoa Poto Labour Party 25,234 17,336 63.28% Yes
Coromandel SIMPSON, Scott Anthony National Party 21,218 3,505 45.60% Yes
Dunedin CLARK, David Scott Labour Party 24,140 15,521 53.67% Yes
East Coast ALLAN, Kiri Lyndsay Labour Party 21,420 6,331 51.70% Yes
East Coast Bays STANFORD, Erica Louise National Party 20,466 8,764 54.86% Yes
Epsom SEYMOUR, David Breen ACT New Zealand 19,500 9,224 47.53% Yes
Hamilton East STRANGE, Jamie Ross Labour Party 18,542 2,973 47.69% Yes
Hamilton West SHARMA, Gaurav Labour Party 20,703 6,267 53.04% Yes
Hutt South ANDERSEN, Virginia Ruby Labour Party 22,453 3,777 50.00% Yes
Ilam PALLETT, Sarah Jean Labour Party 19,825 3,463 46.57% Yes
Invercargill SIMMONDS, Penelope Elsie National Party 17,929 224 45.49% Yes
Kaikōura SMITH, Stuart Tayler National Party 18,069 2,295 42.68% Yes
Kaipara ki Mahurangi PENK, Christopher Aidan National Party 20,402 4,435 45.52% Yes
Kelston SEPULONI, Carmel Jean Labour Party 22,177 15,660 64.46% Yes
Mana EDMONDS, Barbara Rachael Fati Palepa Labour Party 26,122 16,244 61.99% Yes
Māngere SIO, Aupito Toesulusulu Tofae Sua William Labour Party 23,104 19,396 77.06% Yes
Manurewa WILLIAMS, Arena Labour Party 20,815 17,179 73.04% Yes
Maungakiekie RADHAKRISHNAN, Priyanca Labour Party 16,232 635 44.80% Yes
Mt Albert ARDERN, Jacinda Labour Party 29,238 21,246 71.60% Yes
Mt Roskill WOOD, Michael Philip Labour Party 23,050 13,853 61.84% Yes
Napier NASH, Stuart Alexander Labour Party 21,325 5,856 51.97% Yes
Nelson BOYACK-MAYER, Rachel Elizabeth Labour Party 21,376 4,525 48.70% Yes
New Lynn RUSSELL, Deborah Faye Labour Party 23,352 13,134 57.06% Yes
New Plymouth BENNETT, Glen Thomas Labour Party 21,030 2,555 48.34% Yes
North Shore WATTS, Simon Glen National Party 19,202 3,734 46.19% Yes
Northcote HALBERT, Shanan Labour Party 19,086 2,534 48.66% Yes
Northland PRIME, Willow-Jean Labour Party 17,066 163 38.11% Yes
Ōhāriu O'CONNOR, Gregory Eamon Labour Party 22,937 11,961 53.28% No
Ōtaki NGOBI, Terisa Telesia Labour Party 21,867 2,988 48.71% Yes
Pakuranga BROWN, Simeon Peter National Party 21,575 10,050 59.27% Yes
Palmerston North UTIKERE, Tangi William Edward Labour Party 22,516 12,508 59.56% No
Panmure-Ōtāhuhu SALESA, Jennifer Labour Party 22,818 18,626 76.99% Yes
Papakura COLLINS, Judith Anne National Party 19,420 5,583 49.98% Yes
Port Waikato BAYLY, Andrew Henry National Party 15,635 4,313 39.40% Yes
Rangitata LUXTON, Jo-Anne Marie Labour Party 21,147 4,408 50.33% Yes
Rangitīkei McKELVIE, Ian Robert Flockhart National Party 18,592 2,961 45.48% Yes
Remutaka HIPKINS, Christopher John Labour Party 29,217 20,497 68.57% Yes
Rongotai EAGLE, Tahere Paul Labour Party 25,926 19,207 58.11% Yes
Rotorua McCLAY, Todd Michael National Party 16,212 825 43.29% Yes
Selwyn GRIGG, Nicola Anna National Party 20,986 4,968 49.55% Yes
Southland MOONEY, Joseph National Party 19,975 5,645 51.54% Yes
Taieri LEARY, Ingrid Marieke Labour Party 25,263 12,398 57.19% Yes
Takanini ASI TUIATAGA LEAVASA, Neru Labour Party 19,431 7,724 55.74% Yes
Tāmaki O'CONNOR, Simon National Party 21,471 8,068 52.74% Yes
Taranaki-King Country KURIGER, Barbara Joan National Party 18,702 3,134 47.15% Yes
Taupō UPSTON, Louise Claire National Party 21,102 5,119 48.90% Yes
Tauranga BRIDGES, Simon National Party 18,721 1,856 43.47% Yes
Te Atatū TWYFORD, Philip Stoner Labour Party 21,253 10,508 57.57% Yes
Tukituki LORCK, Anna Louise Labour Party 19,132 1,590 46.32% No
Upper Harbour WALTERS, Vanushi Labour Party 17,573 2,392 44.80% Yes
Waikato VAN DE MOLEN, Timothy John National Party 20,877 5,216 51.97% Yes
Waimakariri DOOCEY, Matthew Maurice National Party 21,416 1,507 46.73% Yes
Wairarapa McANULTY, Kieran Michael Labour Party 22,042 6,545 49.65% Yes
Waitaki DEAN, Jacqueline Isobel National Party 19,659 3,281 45.16% Yes
Wellington Central ROBERTSON, Grant Murray Labour Party 27,366 18,878 57.73% Yes
West Coast-Tasman O'CONNOR, Damien Peter Labour Party 20,753 6,208 48.46% Yes
Whanganui LEWIS CARR, Stephanie Labour Party 22,299 8,191 55.73% Yes
Whangaparāoa MITCHELL, Mark Patrick National Party 23,822 7,823 53.26% Yes
Whangārei HENDERSON, Lorenza Emily Preston Labour Party 17,823 431 40.81% Yes
Wigram WOODS, Megan Cherie Labour Party 24,186 14,770 63.45% Yes
Hauraki-Waikato MAHUTA, Nanaia Cybele Labour Party 15,885 9,660 68.01% Yes
Ikaroa-Rāwhiti WHAITIRI, Melissa Heni Mekameka Labour Party 13,642 6,045 55.57% Yes
Tāmaki Makaurau HENARE, Peeni Ereatara Gladwyn Labour Party 10,256 927 40.99% Yes
Te Tai Hauāuru RURAWHE, Adrian Paki Labour Party 12,160 1,053 48.73% Yes
Te Tai Tokerau DAVIS, Kelvin Labour Party 14,932 8,164 56.77% Yes
Te Tai Tonga TIRIKATENE, Rino Labour Party 14,277 6,855 50.40% Yes
Waiariki WAITITI, Rawiri Wikuki Māori Party 12,389 836 46.78% Yes