Electorate Number: | 62 | | Final: | Yes |
Results Counted: | 86 of 86 (100.0%) | | Votes Counted: | 35,407 |
Winning Candidate: | BORROWS, Chester (NAT) | | Majority: | 4,505 |
Parties | | Candidates |
National Party | 16,687 | | BORROWS, Chester | NAT | 18,649 |
ACT New Zealand | 167 | | DAVIDSON, Alan | ACT | 252 |
Labour Party | 9,012 | | McDOUALL, Hamish | LAB | 14,144 |
Conservative | 1,771 | | MacINTYRE, Kim | CNSP | 872 |
Democrats for Social Credit | 57 | | SMITH, Heather Marion | NZDSC | 208 |
Māori Party | 205 | | TUAINE, Nancy | MAOR | 610 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 190 | | | | |
Ban1080 | 56 | | | | |
Focus New Zealand | 14 | | | | |
Green Party | 2,546 | | | | |
Internet MANA | 259 | | | | |
New Zealand First Party | 4,221 | | | | |
NZ Independent Coalition | 13 | | | | |
The Civilian Party | 22 | | | | |
United Future | 75 | | | | |
Party Informals | 112 | | Candidate Informals | | 350 |
TOTAL | 35,407 | | TOTAL | | 35,085 |